Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sulcata Tortoise For Sale

Sweden Kaupthing Champion in Business Management Business Simulation

(From left to right, a very CEO of Kaupthing satisfied Sweden, Robert Charpentier and the winning team, KBS: Stefan Westergren, and Catrin Jansson Christoffer Wildeke)

In November 2007, Kaupthing Bank sealed his first BGF business game In-company . Teams from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden competed for the victory of being the first team ever to win the Kaupthing BGF Business Game , and the winner was KBS Kaupthing Sweden. It was the team that managed to create more value for the company, in managing the virtual enterprise.

Tournament was exciting. The Danish team, FIH, got an incredible performance in the use of facilities. However, the entire strategy was wrong in the last round, the KBS team won the top spot ahead of his inmendiato follower, the Finnish team.

Many "aha: s" and lots of fun, characterized the KBS team's evening meetings throughout the five rounds of the game companies. Although at first seemed to surpass competitors to the company KBS, the winning team was convinced that the tactics chosen were correct in the long term. The team comprising members of departanmento investigation continues into the semifinals and feel very proud of we belong and trust. The team leader, Christoffer Wildeke said: "We did our homework well and were ready for changes from the first round. Understanding the drivers for creating value for the company throughout the game, did you gain confidence in that our initial strategy was correct. The exercise was very exciting and educational from day one until the closing of the accounts "

John Simpson


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